This is an opportunity to use your voice to help shape systems and services for domestic abuse in Hertfordshire. The Hertfordshire Domestic Abuse and Violence Against Women and Girls Partnership are listening and committed to ensuring everyone gets the right help at the right time. 

The annual survey for victims and survivors of domestic abuse provides a platform for people who have been subjected to domestic abuse to share their views and experiences of systems and services in Hertfordshire in the past 12 months.

We know domestic abuse can have devastating consequences and it can be frustrating when we face barriers that prevent us from helping in the way we want to. The annual domestic abuse workforce survey is an opportunity to use your experience and your voice to help shape systems and services for domestic abuse in Hertfordshire. To tell key decision makers and those in positions of power what is working well and what needs to change. It’s also an opportunity to share and celebrate progress and achievements from the past year.

Key Information

The surveys are being conducted by the Public Health Evaluation Team at Hertfordshire County Council as part of an evaluation of the countywide Hertfordshire Domestic Abuse Strategy 2022-25. The surveys will:

  • Take around 15-20 minutes to complete
  • Be anonymous

The findings will be analysed and results shared in late 2023.

I have experienced domestic abuse - How can I help?

  • Please complete the domestic abuse victims and survivors survey
  • If you are part of any Hertfordshire-based domestic abuse networks, such as support groups or online forums, please consider promoting the victims & survivors survey on these platforms where it is safe to do so.

I am a professional - How can I help?

  • Please complete the domestic abuse workforce survey
  • Please promote both victim/survivor and workforce surveys via your professional networks and public communications channels.
  • Please promote the victims and survivors survey to people you are supporting, where it is safe and appropriate to do so.